Impacts of Skinny Jeans on The Male Identity of Gender


It is becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the fact that consumer culture has become the most prominent in the contemporary society. It touches upon music, media, and fashion so that these aspects are in the state of constant development. Despite the fact that consumer culture is particularly oriented at masses, it is necessary to admit that it includes numerous processes and phenomena, which occur to contradict each other. One of such phenomena is a trend on skinny jeans, which have become increasingly popular among men. The origins of this fashion dates back to the 60’s when such sort of trousers and jeans emerged among cowboys, rock musicians, and bicycle riders. As soon as skinny jeans were incorporated in the line of mass production, they had become a trend, which has being developing even nowadays because of its numerous contributions to the improvement of men’s style. Still, many men express their being discontent with this fashion. Actually, certain percentage of men considers these jeans to be less masculine than classical ones so that there has been a little agreement on the implications of male skinny jeans. Namely, skinny jeans are suspected to make male identity of gender vague and dubious. In such a way, the controversy arises regarding the issue whether skinny jeans make a negative impact on the male identity of gender.



Regarding the reasons for discussion of the introduced controversy, it is necessary to place the emphasis on the following issues, which arise in the society on a regular basis. First of all, the majority of men have doubts about the distinct implications of skinny jeans. Some percentage of men does not consider skinny jeans to be truly male clothes. Even more, some of them claim them to be a typical sign of a homosexual orientation. Therefore, the controversy emerges. Heterosexual men consider skinny jeans to hide their masculinity while homosexual do not want skinny jeans to become “a gay label” because it offends their personality. Namely, they do not regard skinny jeans as a sign of their sexual orientation so that they strongly disagree with a negative association with homosexual orientation. This controversy does not divide heterosexual and homosexual males as opposing parties, but demonstrates different views on the concern that skinny jeans render an ambiguous meaning to the male image. 

 As a consequence, the second reason is a dubious connotation of wearing skinny jeans. This fashion of jeans is commonly regarded as stylish and relatively cheap so that it has become a trend quite fast. At the same time, skinny jeans are considered to be “boyish and silly” because of being popular among teenagers, various subcultures, and musicians (rock bands, especially). Thus, a man, who decided to look fashionable and make impression, is wrongly recognized as a representative of some subculture or even adolescents. In such a way, a male, who was trying to look impressively, serious, and stylish, occurs to look inappropriately, according to the social connotation of skinny jeans. A male, for instance, starts romantic relationships with a certain woman and wears skinny jeans. The woman starts considering him to be too young or too careless for serious relationship as long as he looks stylish but like a teenager. That is why he cannot have serious intentions regarding the relationships with her. In such a way, skinny jeans make male image confusing. 

The third reason is also important as it refers to the considerations of male health. It is commonly recognized fact that skinny jeans put exceeding pressure on men’s legs so that blood circulation becomes less intensive. By the same token, it affects skin, especially in case the material of jeans is not natural so that skin may be affected by chemicals, which are contained in jeans’ material. Eventually, skinny jeans put a pressure on males’ sex organs. It results in the limited blood circulation, physical obstacles with an erection, and uncontrolled sexual tension. What is more, jeans material can be extremely hard for the skin in the pubic area. The consequences of these threats to the health are obvious: sexual dysfunction, skin diseases, and excessive production of sweat, especially in the pubic area. All in all, it is the main reasons for the argument that skinny jeans make a negative impact on the male identity of gender. 

Unstated Assumption

For starters, it is necessary to note that skinny jeans make the difference between male and female identity quite vague. This statement does not have to be regarded as a sign of sexism because it refers to the style of the clothes. In other words, skinny jeans are not considered to be unisex, but they are still associated with the female fashion as long as it underpinned by physiological peculiarities of female body and organism. To put these points in a simpler way, it is to be said that skinny jeans render association with less serious and well-mannered males while they are not intending to imply that. On the contrary, skinny jeans should not become a sign of homosexuality as long as it offends representatives of sexual minorities. In other words, skinny jeans should not render any implied meaning, except the meaning of style and fashion, which are also debatable. The first unstated assumption is based on the conviction that skinny jeans render vague meaning of style but cause making a wrong impression on a man with serious intentions, who is just was trying to look effective.

Regarding the extents of skinny jeans being stylish, it is essential to mention that they do not match every single man. Thus, skinny jeans cannot be regarded as icon of style as long as they do not make every single man look attractive. Males, who are trying to look impressive, occur to look ridiculous and make wrong impression on women, business partners, and etc. Skinny jeans are quite popular among skaters, hipsters, teenagers, and any other social groups, which have nothing in common with a males’ intention to look fashionable in order to make impression of serious and well-mannered person, who can be relied on. In other words, skinny jeans do not coincide with all ages and social statuses even though they look fashionable. For instance, in the context of a business meeting, a businessman, who came in skinny jeans, will look stylish, but he will not match the related dress code so that his opponent may consider him to be unreliable partner in business. Besides that, it is necessary to assume that skinny jeans are not comfortable to wear because they put a pressure on the legs’ skin and sex organs. In consequence, such jeans prevent males from a normal erection and cause more sweat production, which are not healthy. It causes sexual dysfunction, uncontrolled emissions of sperm, and increase of infection probability. Needless to say, excessive production of sweat causes an unpleasant smell so that it harms men’s image regarding even from this perspective. That is why health concern is also important as long as it underpins the other statements, which have been already assumed. This is the main assumptions regarding the subject of the discussion.


Having considered assumptions, which have been described in the previous section, it should be admitted that males’ health concern is the strongest argument regarding the subject. Nobody would deny the fact that impressive look and proper perception of a man’s image will not be valuable without a good health. Men could look less serious or masculine, but the absence of normal health will spoil any impression entirely as long as male identity is associated with naturally good health. Therefore, health concerns are positioned as the central argument regarding the controversy. Problems with health are the most threatening issue, which can make a negative impact on a man’s identity. It can be explained by the fact that bad health limits the abilities of this man so that he will not be able to embody his desires and ambitions. What is more, problems with sex organs can cause the problems of private character as long as those men have low chances for having their own families because of their inability to make their women pregnant.

Psychologically, women are attracted by rather healthy men than stylish ones so that the choice of priorities is quite evident in this case. Even more, a man, who takes care of his personal health, can be regarded as reliable and considerate while the obsession with fashionable clothes and intention to make an impression of an effective man are not appreciated by women as long as they consider such behavior as dishonest. By the same token, it is worth mentioning that skinny jeans may affect man’s confidence. As it has been mentioned before, skinny jeans cannot be completely comfortable for some men. For instance, a man still puts on these jeans in order to look fashionable, but he feels nervous and unconfident as jeans render certain degree of discomfort. These issues may seem to be far beyond the terms of consumer behavior study, but is becoming increasingly apparent that it is still related to psychology. Hence, the claimed statement may be applicable to the discussion though. 

Taking these points into account, it should be noted that the fact that skinny jeans are quite trendy is also debatable. It is not only the matter of the controversy “classics versus modern.” First of all, the trendiness of skinny jeans is not worth the consequences, which have been outlined above. As Goodman and Cohen mention, looking attractive and fashionable are not the same terms as long as every single person is interested in novelty as a way of expression the individuality. Therefore, skinny jeans can be regarded as trendy clothes, but they cannot be surely recognized as universally attractive because they are incapable of making every single man look attractive in the same way and to the similar extents. In such a way, health concerns have been determined as the central argument owing to the fact that the other assumptions are less strong and depend on the primary argumentation. In other words, style and image of a man do not have any value to a man’s identity without his being healthy.

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Counter Argument

On the contrary, it is essential to note the facts, which contradict the main argument of the discussion. First of all, there are no particular rules, which describe or determine male clothes. Every single man is free to wear any clothes, except those, which violate the law and public order. Skinny jeans cannot render any implication because it is just clothes, which do not belong to either ethnic, social, or religious groups. Likewise, skinny jeans cannot be referred to homosexuality as long as it is the violation of ethical code concerning sexual minorities. Moreover, skinny jeans cannot be associated with silliness because many men wear them because they are comfortable from the perspective of their activities. In such a way, skater or cowboy prefers skinny jeans because they are the most comfortable clothes for skateboarding or riding a horse. Occupation or area of interests cannot be judged from the perspective of seriousness while appropriate and reasonable clothing is the sign of an intelligent man.

Then, it is worth admitting that skinny jeans cannot be described as “boyish” of “silly” It can be explained by the fact that casual clothes do not render any meaning. That is why every single connotation, which is applied to skinny jeans is a matter of certain social, political, or any other processes. Society denotes certain things in accordance with the environment and context they are present in. In case skinny jeans look stylish, they will make any man impressive without respect to his social status and age. Style makes a man attractive while it does not matter how it does that. Namely, this particular fashion of jeans is regarded as stylish so that it will become outdated or even classical in the future. Still, it can still make some men look attractive. To the broadest extent, fashion makes its impact on the perception of certain clothing though. An applied meaning can vary throughout the years while the real quality of skinny jeans will remain even though they will be regarded as a sign of a bad fashion, they will be steel able to improve the image of males.

Eventually, it is pivotal to mention that skinny jeans are actually the best protection from strong wind and negative outside temperature as they are narrowed below. As a result, streams of cold air do not penetrate inside the jeans. That secures sex organs from freeze and coldness and keeps the warmth inside so that blood circulation remains at the same level. Regarding the wearing of skinny jeans for professional or occupational purposes, it is important to pay attention to the fact that they are less traumatic as classical ones as long as they are less likely to get caught by sharp objects. All in all, it is the main points of the counter argument, which are worth description.


Regarding the refutation of the arguments, it is necessary to confirm that the first counter argument should be accepted though. Needless to say, none of democratic societies will ban skinny jeans because they seem to render less male meaning. Therefore, any clothes including skinny jeans can be worn by anyone as long as it does not violate the law. Even more, skinny jeans cannot be banned because they are still a trend that is why their meaning has become explicit to the society, and it does not reject this fashion of jeans. Thus, it is pivotal to note that democracy considers public opinion that is why it cannot put a restriction on the production and wearing of skinny jeans. Having considered these points, it should be noted that skinny jeans is just a trend, which will be substituted with something else sooner or later. Trends emerge as a result of certain preferences of consumer behavior that is why skinny jeans cannot affect males’ identity as the popularity of them is referred to men’s demands regarding the fashion of clothes. In other words, skinny jeans are the choice of the majority of male population, and this choice should be regarded as natural.

In contrast, it is to be said that skinny jeans is not particularly a sign of style because many men wear them because of their occupation, hobby, or any other practical considerations. Regarding that, it is becoming increasingly apparent that trendy does not necessarily mean stylish clothes. That is why skinny jeans have become popular as long as they are quite practice to nearly any occasions in daily lives of men. Hence, breaking of dress code can be conducted by wearing any other clothing so that it is not the matter of skinny jeans’ wrong meaning, but ethical background of an individual. Likewise, representatives of certain subcultures cannot be judged by their appearance as long as personality itself creates the related image and identity. Concerning male identity, it is needless to say that action and manners speak better than any clothes that is why skinny jeans cannot make an impact on a man’s image in any particular way. 

 Eventually, it is important to emphasize on the fact that health considerations are the most essential. It is hard to argue with the fact that making wrong impression or having doubts about the masculinity are quite weak concerns in comparison with health considerations. A bad health is the most threatening problem to the identity of any man because of wide range of reasons, which are quite explicit. Society may have different opinions about connotation for wearing skinny jeans, but the fact that they make a negative impact on males’ health cannot be denied. To the broadest extent, skinny jeans are still less protective from cold as classical ones as they presuppose enough space for underpants. That is why classical jeans are more convenient from the perspective of men’s health, which is proved to be the most important. 


All in all, it is to be admitted that this paper has lingered upon the discussion of the issue whether skinny jeans make a negative impact on the male identity of gender. As a result, the discussion has not answered negatively or positively on this question but reached a consensus regarding the fact that skinny leans are negatively reflected on the men’s health because of the following facts. First of all, skinny jeans put a pressure on legs’ skin so that blood circulation is interrupted. Second, skinny jeans put the same pressure on sex organs and pubic area. As a result, men are tending to have uncontrolled emissions of sperm, lack of natural erection, and exceeding production of sweat. Needless to say, these impacts lead to the sexual dysfunction and subsequent worsening of overall health that is why men will not be able to embody their desires and ambitions.

Speaking about the other arguments, it is necessary to confirm that they have occurred to be not strong enough. To be more exact, the paper has found an agreement on the fact that skinny jeans are just a matter of trend and convenience as long as some men wear them because they find this fashion of jeans to be the most comfortable. Actually, it is one of the comprising components of skinny jeans’ being trendy. As a consequence, skinny jeans do not have anything to do with connotation of silliness, adolescence, or any other implications, which can disregard the identity of a man, who wears skinny jeans. At the same time, it is worth saying that wearing skinny jeans without any respect to the related dress code does not witness about negative impression, which is rendered with skinny jeans. In fact, it is the matter of upbringing and ethical background of an individual, who wears skinny jeans. Finally, it is necessary to suggest the direction for the further discussion about how skinny jeans affect the fashion of classical jeans and trousers in order to predict the future trends.

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