Social Media

Social media strategy and evaluation

Social media strategy consists of several steps. The first one includes the understanding of individual goals for creating a strategy of social media marketing, the main goals for the marketing of a particular social media, and where the social media marketing is going to move. The second step includes developing a clear goal. It is necessary to base it on SMART objectives (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time based). The third step includes characterizing the customer. Social media marketing should be focus on particular groups of customers. Then, it is necessary to study the main competitors well, to do some research and study benefits and drawbacks in order to exceed the competitors, if it is possible.

Then, it is necessary to create the message and the best channel to send it, and then develop the content plan for the social media marketing plan. It is important to mention that the evaluation method of social media marketing is based on five steps. They are defining the concept that what will be accomplished, outlining the social strategy, designing the social tactics, implementing to ensure performance, and synthesizing and reviewing the social media performance.


What is social media?

Social media is an innovative instrument for communication. It is based on internet and allows fat and wide sharing of information. Social media is a recently created kind of media that enables users to send and receive images, texts, video, audio, different types of files and other information. Social media is an efficient messaging tool for not only common internet users, but also for people involved in business. Social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter offer the users numerous communities where they can share different information. The result of this is a huge amount of information that users can easily create, find, share and promote. Social media websites can also satisfy different companies and their customers, as more and more of them are involved in social media. Social media platforms satisfy customers as they are enabled to get easily the information about the products they use or want to buy. Social media is changing rapidly the means of communication all over the world. The people’ lifestyles, habits and communications manner are affected by social media greatly. Social media websites are able to build the trust among their users and to create the reliable relationships both at home and in the workplace.

Importance of social media in marketing promotion

Social media changed the terms of communication greatly, and it is recognized everywhere. Due to social media, businesses can create and popularize their brands and products. It is the important stage in accessing the consumers in decision-making process. The community or page in social media devoted to a company or a brand can improve the brand awareness and recognition online. Companies can promote their brand and products to current and potential customers in social media by publishing relevant content regularly. The content can include useful information and news on products or services of the organization and include the links to the main site to attract customers. The customers can interact with companies directly when they use the social media tools. If the company looks as attentive and responsive to its consumers, it receives a good opportunity to develop the brand image and loyalty to brands and products among current and potential customers. The social media platforms are good tools for customers who want to learn more about the company and its products. Companies are enabled to post the freshest information about the future events, new products or services. The studies show that social media has changed a lot the environment of small businesses. Overall satisfaction of customers depends on the type of social media technology. Companies can share their information, or send newsletters via social media sites. Such marketing can help them to become more profitable. Social media is a good tool to promote consumer goods, to create reference groups, opinion leadership, social consumption and other means that determine behavior of consumers. Social media platforms made it easy to connect people, firms and culture.

Social media strategy - components of social media strategy

Social media strategy includes several components. The first one is setting the strategic objectives, including outlining the approach of brand to social media and making it consistent with the whole marketing and communication plan. Second component is reaching the targets. It includes setting the quantifiable targets of relations between the firm and stakeholders. Third component developing the digital platform that can be used efficiently to reach the targets and goals. Fourth component is creating the different channels of social media, for instance, blogging websites, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, and so on.

One more component includes finding out what marketing tactics can be used to create a large community of targeted customers in social media. The next component is developing a set of content topics that should be consistent with all goals of communication. Then, it is necessary to find the best outcome for different social channels such as execution of the strategy, software and other tools that will assist in content moderation. Finally it is important to manage the negative outcomes in order to find out their reasons and avoid similar situations in future. It will help to focus on optimization for long-term growth.

Evaluation of effectiveness of social media strategy

It is necessary to analyze correctly its strengths and weaknesses of the social media strategy to evaluate it. Generally, five steps are necessary to evaluate correctly the social media marketing strategy.

First, it is necessary to evaluate the information provided. It should be relevant to the effectiveness of the marketing strategy.

Second step is to find, promote and improve the connection. It is important because an efficient content marketing requires only high quality. Moreover, it should be able to connect the customers to the goals of the particular business. Effective reading does not mean that customer thinks about the products and services positively. The firm should offer the services that can improve its bottom line.

Third step is to analyzing entire picture. It is necessary to analyze the data and searching for the efficient marketing plan that will attract the customers.

The next step is focusing on real world events that can influence the firm’s marketing campaign.

Finally, it is necessary to open the communication lines. Feedback is important because it helps to check either the business is becoming more efficient or not. Customers can express their positive and negative opinions, and the firm can make decisions on the basis. It is also necessary to develop and support the right links.

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Examples of social media strategy

Social media is the modern form of media that enables users to transfer images, files, texts, video, audio and information. Social media is a good tool for not only regular internet users but also for people involved in business. For example, Qatar Airways posts different images of football, and it is pleasant to its fans. Fans usually react actively to posts and questions on the company’s internet page. In addition, Qatar Airways regularly changes its cover photo on Facebook, and it attracts customers because they see something new.

Another good example of efficient social media marketing is Dove brand. For instance, it posted a video that led to thousands of likes and shares. The video is told to be not commercial, but it mentions the brand, and customers are attracted.

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