Hypothetical Design Plan

Qualitative and qualitative approaches are highly significant research appliances for the current society. Both methods have a number of analogies, which makes the two approaches supplementary; however, they also have discrepancies, which segregate the corresponding time to utilize the two methods (Creswell, 2013). The two techniques include eminences and defects; nevertheless, in the majority of situations, they have to be consolidated to ensue from a more ample research. In any research type, it is crucial to hold an unsurpassed hypothetical platform. Such type of a platform formulates the ground for all phases of the research. In the process of investigation of conflict settlement in community colleges, the major approaches are quantitative and qualitative methods. Both methods of research incorporate distinctive tactics. Therefore, the hypothetical designs are distinctive for the two methods (Trochim & Donnelly, 2008). The current paper tries to appraise particular hypothetical designs for quantitative and qualitative methods. In fact, the qualitative method does not typically incorporate statistical analysis. However, the quantitative method generally involves the statistical analysis. All of these aspects will be appraised and analyzed in the process of creating the hypothetical design for the research. 


Quantitative and qualitative methods are the two techniques utilized to detect resolutions to a research issue or a problem. Quantitative research typically incorporates the procedure of gathering statistical information and replications to different questions via a tool utilized for surveying. One example of such a survey tool is a questionnaire, which facilitates a researcher to obtain replications to research-related questions (Cozby & Bates, 2012). Quantitative research can also allude to the procedure of registering monitoring of an experiment designed to detect a resolution to an issue of the research. Consequently, qualitative research typically incorporates the process of gathering and perceiving profound replications of a sample population via the usage of questionnaires incorporating open-ended questions. Such process may also be beneficial for monitoring a behavior in specific circumstances or situations (Cozby & Bates, 2012). The answers in a qualitative research process are typically applicative to humanities issues, and they generally interpret purport and trends of situation recrudescence. While taking into account both methods, it is highly important to remember that those issues, which count as data in qualitative study, are typically different from what counts as data in a quantitative study (Leong & Austin, 2006). Therefore, it is more appropriate to view both approaches as complementary, with each allowing the researcher to understand different aspects of the same phenomenon rather than viewing both approaches in opposition to one another (Creswell, 2013).

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Quantitative Research-Hypothetical Design

Hypothesis: the majority of the community colleges face a deficiency of an efficient conflict settlement apparatus. 

Plan of Research

In order to examine such a hypothesis, various factors and variables will be utilized in the process of the research. In the current study, the conflict as such will contribute to the work as one of the most significant variables. As a matter of fact, conflict will be assorted as a subordinate variable. The particular reasons of various conflicts will also serve as crucial variables on the research process. The reasons of conflicts are classified as detached variables. It is caused by the fact that they are not predetermined or influenced by a number of other outlooks. As far as the hypothesis ascertaining is concerned, the community colleges under analysis will be subdivided into two separate categories. The first category will consist of the community colleges with efficient conflict settlement apparatus. The second category will involve the community colleges with inefficient conflict settlement apparatus. Consequently, this is an apparatus defined by insufficient levels of effectiveness. Grounded on both categories, it will be attainable to compare and contrast the effectiveness of conflict settlement apparatus in various community colleges. With a help of such approach, it will be practical to research and analyze the hypothesis with a help of the quantitative surveys.

Research Questions

  1. Has the community college instituted any conflict settlement apparatus?
  2. Has the community college experienced any kinds of conflicts?
  3. How effective is the current conflict settlement apparatus?
  4. Which measures have been taken by the community college to execute the conflict settlement apparatus?

Significance of the Study

This hypothetical design for quantitative methods will contribute to various objectives. Firstly, it will assist in analyzing the scale to which conflict settlement apparatus has been instituted in various community colleges. Such data will be utilized to enunciate efficient conflict settlement apparatus for community colleges. Moreover, the community colleges will reap benefits from this analysis in regard to apprehension of the distinctive kinds of conflicts. It would be difficult to enunciate efficient conflict settlement apparatus without apprehending the particular kinds of conflicts, which might appear (Cozby & Bates, 2012).

Quantitative research design is highly appropriate for the case, as it is concerned with discovering facts about social phenomena as such. Thus, it assumes an established and calculable reality. In fact, all data has to be analyzed through numerical juxtapositions and statistical deductions. In addition, the information is announced via statistical analyses (Glesne, 2011). Therefore, in quantitative research design, the problem will be best addressed by apprehending which agents or variables affect the outcomes (Creswell, 2013). In addition, in a case of quantitative research design, the utilization of the theoretical framework dispenses a suggested explication for the link among variables analyzed by the researcher (Trochim & Donnely, 2008). 

Qualitative Method-Hypothetical Design

Hypothesis: the conflict settlement apparatus quality is defined by the efficiency of realization.

Plan of Analysis

Unlike the quantitative approaches, the qualitative approaches do not incorporate large-scale statistical analysis. The qualitative data can be instrument data, observational checklist, or numeric records. The key idea of this design is to collect both forms of data utilizing the similar or parallel variables, constructs, or concepts (Creswell, 2013).Open-ended questionnaires will be mostly utilized in order to collect the data in the survey process. Open-ended questionnaires contribute as unsurpassed platforms for gathering as much data as attainable. The specific is a main appendage during quantitative analysis. Nevertheless, this is not the case for qualitative examinations. The open-ended questions will assist in collecting a lot of information and therefore, contribute to the enhancement of the research quality (Trochim & Donnely, 2008).

In order to analyze the above-mentioned hypothesis, a number of peculiarities will be circumspected. Firstly, the execution of the framework for conflict settlement in different community colleges will be analyzed. It will assist in evaluating the efficiency of conflict settlement apparatus in various community colleges. Distinctive conflict settlement approaches are utilized in various community colleges. Thus, it will be practicable to evaluate the spendings and advantages of each method. The apprehensions of education facilitators towards conflict settlement will also be evaluated in the process of the qualitative analysis. It is caused by the fact that different educators are more partial to some conflict settlement apparatuses than others. By analyzing the educators’ apprehensions, it will be possible to evolve the best strategic framework (Cozby, 2012).

Research Questions

  1. How has the community college executed a conflict settlement framework?
  2. What are the spendings and advantages of each kind of conflict settlement apparatus?
  3. What has to be done in order to improve the execution of conflict settlement apparatus?
  4. What agents influence the quality of any conflict settlement apparatus in community colleges?

Significance of the Study

The hypothetical design for the qualitative study will constitute as an unsurpassed platform for evolving an effective conflict settlement framework in community colleges. With the help of such hypothetical design, it will be practicable to analyze different agents affecting the realization of the above-mentioned framework. The theoretical framework might be efficient for the analysis of conflict settlement apparatuses (Cozby, 2012). However, this is not ineluctably the case during the implementation. Some conflict settlement tactics are consolidated with elevated spendings and it might be arduous to realize them. Moreover, this study will serve as an unsurpassed platform for applying to diverse items, which have been disdained in the quantitative design.

Qualitative method offers an alternative research script for the above-mentioned case, in which the researcher and the participant address essential human phenomena in alliance and together interlock the substance of the phenomena for the discipline and for themselves (Leong & Austin, 2006). Qualitative research design is appropriate for the case as this is a more specific design. The above-mentioned case is more specific than the previous one, and it requires a usage of qualitative research design (Trochim & Donnely, 2008). Despite the fact that the design concentrates on data gathering, analysis, and superscription, it originates from the discipline permitting to course throughout the research process. Thus, the literature has to be corresponding to the hypothesis of learning from the participant and not appointing the questions that have to be answered from the researcher’s viewpoint (Cozby & Bates, 2012). In a case of qualitative research design, theoretical framework works as a lens for the analysis and typically, theoretical frameworks are generated during the research as such. 


The analysis of the above-mentioned cases demonstrated that the distinction between qualitative research design and quantitative research design is generated in terms of utilizing words (qualitative) rather than figures (quantitative) as well as closed-ended questions (quantitative hypotheses) rather than open-ended questions (qualitative hypotheses). In fact, the combination of both quantitative and qualitative research designs may help to counteract the weaknesses of each other and enhance the advantages of each research design method. 

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