Leadership and Group Utilizing
Having a clear career goal pursuing a course at an institution of higher learning helps a student in aligning their action in the right direction and makes it easier in achieving their goals. Group planning helps a student in developing a clear image of the kind of a person they want to be in future. As a human resource management profession, providing a clear leadership design can help me in achieving and developing my leadership objectives and become a better person in public relation even before joining the workforce.
The importance of utilizing groups in an organisation encourages innovation and the use of best practices in the industry. According to Dimock and Manasseh, human resource professions that make good use of groups in their organizations have more satisfied employees and they are more committed to implementation of the decisions passed in their involvement. Planning is an important aspect in human resource management. The HR development strategies outlined in a plan help it in taking actions that are future oriented. According to Dessler, this kind of plan provides an illustration of how resources can be allocated and the activities that are required to be encouraging, funding or implementing so that the human development objectives can be achieved.
This elaboration plan outlines the important elements of planning for human resource development and also for the benefit of planning for sustainable global development. The most significant aspect in this process is what we learn while planning because what we get to know during the implementation stage can help in optimizing the quality of the outcome that is desired to be achieved. This essay highlights the importance of planning as crucial function of the health and survival of an individual, group, society or organization. In the core, the scheme contains the essence of what a global citizen can do for human resource development. The goal of human resource planning is to empower an individual, a society of an organization plan. We focus on the process of enlightening the self-interest and on the interdependence of each other. Group planning enables us to create, love, learn, confront risks and deal perfectly with ambiguities and complexities that help us in surviving the turbulence of life. By expressing and reflecting the human freedom, the HR department renews and redirects the purpose of expanding the personal capacities in order to change the splendor of our achievements.
Group development plan for leadership explains how planning for learning can be critical to an individual or business success. The design outlines various planning techniques for human resource development and leadership through action plans that illustrates how to achieve the fluency of implementing a sound work plan. In addition, it discusses different essential elements in the science of planning such as the structure, systematic approach, creative focus and analytical basis.
Justification of Group Development and Team Effectiveness in a University Setting
As the designer of this plan, I conceptualize the theory of group development for application in order to task the group and its members to propose for two key sequential phases in the group, i.e. competence and membership. The best method of measuring developmental progress in a team or a group should be based on the level of congruence in the group’s cognitive representations. The system should provide a method of calculating the states of the group on the basis of the structural connections.
According to Northouse, classical development dynamics cannot be observed in two samples of the groups. The use of group development theories in human resource management and organization behavior had virtually been ignored for a long period. It is only in group therapy that the method has continued to be used in revolutionizing group development theories. In a human resource perspective, they can be supported by concrete understanding on what it is and provide efficient methods of capturing development dynamics in the larger groups. In this essay, I seeks to integrate the theories into the group development applications to university setting in order to provide a blueprint plan for future team development in human resource management.
By reviewing the theory of group development, it helps me in noticing that most of the strategies are created and validated through observation of a self-analytic group and a revised concept becomes more applicable towards goal direction that is contextually embedded within the work team. In this situation I connect the theory of group development with the one to the literature on the team processes and effectiveness. While doing so, I reconcile various teams from disparate strands within the university as a mock-up ground for a real work situation. According to Hersey and Blanchard, including the punctuated equilibrium model as well as the boundary spanning model, of team effectiveness, we will provide a way of developing congruency and some aspects of discrepancy in the group’s cognitive abilities. These factors will provide the group leaders with a way of thinking about coherence and dissents in group cognition as well as reflecting the group’s developmental stages by measuring these factors within the collective.
Purpose of the Team Development Plan in the University
It is the work of a human relations manager to develop and organize the members of a work/study team. All effective team development plans have important elements in common. They help the group in moving forward by increasing their effectiveness and cohesion. The collective members are motivated to perform because they enjoy mutual benefits of being part of a strong team.
An informal group in an organization can help in pinpointing problems. It can be the task of management to deal with issues in school or workplace, where the administration has no legitimate mechanism in solving. Such problems include rectifying negative emotional tones or handling specific conflicts among members. As a group, we plan and implement development activities at membership levels and this helps in increasing the level of emotional intelligence amongst them. In order to identify emotional weaknesses in the workplace, the management will be forced to employ the group intelligence by engaging the individuals who have assumed responsibilities to change the person’s behaviors within the group. When a group is committed to change, it helps the organization in building a positive attitude and an impressive image for the outsiders.
The other role of an informal group is setting norms. The management compiled to examine the team norms in order to correct those behavioral standards that differ from the norms of others or the objective of the organization. The management intervention in this case helps in reducing the causes of conflict between the teams and the company or amongst diverse groups. The organization needs to identify the leaders of these informal groups in order to assist in raising the standards of the company by starting with the teams.
Group Development Stages
Before one sets or establishes a group development plan, it is important to understand its process, which is an informal activity that happens in any organization including the university or workplace setting. Informal groups have a very influential power on the effectiveness of any company and can sometime subvert the formal structure. However, its role is not only for the purpose of opposition; its impact in an organization is depended upon by the formal group based on the norms set by the formal structure. Group development stages can be broken down into five key stages. These include forming, storming, norming, performance and adjournment. In order to have a group, it has to pass each of them.
Forming is the first stage. Each member introduces themselves and small talks begin as a way of relieving some of the awkwardness that may exist. If the group is formed by students, member will basically have one particular characteristic in common that unites them. They discuss their expectations and the direction their team would like to follow and then set where to meet because it rarely follows protocol at this stage. In most cases, the appointments are held amid other activities more specifically ones that united them. This helps in setting time when all members are available.
The storming stage is a situation where all members take particular role. The leadership is established within the group. The other members equally take role to identify their own personality within the team. At this point the goals of each member are known. Those individuals who fill that their interests are not met may opt to pull out and seek more suitable groups for their needs.
In norming stage, the members unite their individual thoughts and establish their expectations together. Discussion concerning the achievement of their objectives takes place and the progress path is set. At this stage, the level of cohesion within the group can be measured through relations between individual members.
In the performing stage, the group shift from discussion to establishing objectives and taking actions that can help in accomplishing their goals. Each member of the group has to perform their roles as required and is responsible for effectively carrying out the task assigned within the given time. This stage has no time limit and the success of the group highly depend on it.
After performance, the final stage is group adjournment. This phase occurs when the intended project is completed or when members cannot continue to be together at all. For example, a group formed by university students as the main member can come to an end after completion of the studies. The last meeting takes place before the presentation of the project because after presentation and declaration of accomplishment of the task, the group is disbanded. However, most teams may not make to reach the last stage due to various internal or external reasons and this is the reason group development plan is important.
Group Development Theory
Figure 1: Group development process
I will launch the design at the beginning of the year and implemented it over several modules and concluded towards the end of the year. Each module is designed to focus on a particular issue geared towards solving the problem of the group such as finance, leadership and performance strategies. The participants are also requested to choose the activity they can do best within the programs.
Through the use of the process outlined in figure 1, I would organize students into a compact group that comprise of a notable structure. In the norming stage of the group, I would ensure that each member has a role specifically designed to help in achieving the team’s objectives. The factors to consider in forming the group are determined by the members and their level of cohesion and freedom with one another. However, in leadership, it is important to consider the person’s ability to unite the people and move the group to the next level.
I would prefer to use a consultative leadership style in the process of achieving the group’s objectives. This method is important because it makes every participant being part of the entire project and hence dedicates all their efforts towards achieving it. The best decision-making approach in such a situation would be interactive sessions where members provide opinions but the leaders choose what is best for the group and assign roles in accordance to contribution.
Being a human resource based group development project, the leaders of each team should provide a report of each member in order to gauge their ability to provide an organization with the required services. In order to motivate the participants, the group should establish a way of awarding points and the best candidate awarded. This is where the key performance indicators (KPIs) come in handy. The parameters to consider in awarding points include; ability to clearly communicate amongst the members, consensus with team mates, problem solving ability, commitment and supportive work relations with the leaders.
For a team that is not working as required, I will expect to find the following symptoms. The group leaders will be more involved and without them, the chances of failure increase. An activity is likely to be more successful with the involvement of the team leaders. This implies a lapse in communication, support between members and frequent absence which results to delay and slippage of timelines.
Personal Reflection
The events that take place in the project help me in achieving my objectives in learning and practicing that knowledge that I acquired from the classroom set up. Through its failures and successes, the project has prepared me to be a better practitioner in human resource management in future. I reflect my personal development plan that can be ignited through proper leadership to make organization successful. The plan provided me with an opportunity to establish the power over people and how to use it to help the society. It also enabled the learners to plan ahead before problems arise and also generate many ideas which may be radical or favorable to each party involved.