The Women’s Movement
In the early sixties of the XX century, the arousal of women’s social consciousness led to the emergence of the second wave of feminism. This time, a new women’s movement protested against the patriarchal society. Details >>
Unemployment in the United States
Today, in virtually all nations across the globe, various key markers determine the success or otherwise of the regime in the eyes of the ordinary citizens. Details >>
Homelessness in America
In the USA, homelessness is among the most topical and widespread social issues that requires effective and efficient measures to find a solution. The statistics related to the number of the homeless vary depending on the source, yet it is undeniable that millions of Americans of all the ages live in the streets or have the status of hidden homeless people. Details >>
Mobile App Analytics Fundamentals
Mobile app analytics is the act of keeping track of how your app is fairing on in the client's world. This is achieved by monitoring various aspects through a specialized online platform. Details >>
Max Weber's Interpretivism
Epistemology is a philosophical branch that deals with the nature and extent of knowledge. It is also known as the theory of knowledge. Interpretive epistemology is a principle focused on reflection in action, whereas positivism focuses on technical rationality. Details >>
Sustainable Recycling of Waste in Beijing City
Conservation of the environment is the most dominant debates topic in the world. International body mandated to deal with the environmental issues is striving to formulate sustainable environmental conservation measures without compromising the socio-economic activities in the continent. Details >>